Pedigree Organic Aberdeen-Angus for sale

Pedigree Organic Aberdeen-Angus for sale


Organic High Health Aberdeen-Angus Cows in calf with calf at foot for sale.

We are reducing our herd and are selling 12 cows in calf with 13 calves at foot for breeding.

  • Organic
  • High Health Status
  • Pedigree
  • Back in-calf to a Pedigree Aberdeen Angus

The cows have run with the bull Wedderlie Countdown X588 since 19th November 2024.

1 Ribble Montanna Belle 20/4/2016 UK182746 602519

Sire Ribble Noble

Dam Ribble Montana Belle

1a Slawston Montana Belle 18/08/2024 UK209980 100359

Sire Wedderlie Countdown


2 Ribble Lady Jet 03/05/2016 UK182746 502553

Sire Ribble Presley

Dam Ribble Lady Jet

2a Slawston Lady Jet 14/09/2024 UK209980 200367

Sire Wedderlie Countdown


3 Ribble Spartina 24/05/2016 UK182746 702569

Sire Weeton Endeavour

Dam Ribble Spartina

3a Slawston Spartina 20/08/2024 UK209980 400362

Sire Wedderlie Countdown


4 Ribble Lady Jet 02/05/2018 UK182746 402930

Sire Weeton Endeavour

Dam Ribble Lady Jet

4a Steer 12/09/2024 UK209980 100366

Sire Wedderlie Countdown


5 Slawston Lady Jet 08/04/2019 UK209980 300053

Sire Wedderlie Princean

Dam Ribble Lady Jet

5a Slawston Lady Jet 21/09/2024 UK209980 300368

Sire Wedderlie Tallant


6 Slawson Eartha 09/04/2019 UK209980 600056

Sire Rulesmains Jimo Eric

Dam Ribble Eartha

6a Slawston Eartha 09/08/2024 UK209980 500356

Sire Wedderlie Tallant


7 Slawston Bellemere 12/03/2021 UK209980 500153

Sire Fordel Bishop Monkton

Dam Ribble Bellemere

7a 2 x Steers 26/08/2024 UK209980 600364

Sire Wedderlie Tallant 700365


8 Slawston Lady Jet 17/03/2021 UK209980 300158

Sire Fordel Bishop Monkton

Dam Ribble Lady Jet

8a Steer 19/08/2024 UK209980 200360

Sire Wedderlie Tallant


9 Slawston Eartha 17/03/2021 UK209980 400159

Sire Fordel Bishop Monkton

Dam Ribble Eartha

9a Steer 19/08/2024 UK209980 300361

Wedderlie Tallant


10 Slawston Passionetta 19/03/2021 UK209980 600168

Sire Fordel Bishop Monkton

Dam Ribble Passionetta

10a Steer 09/08/2024 UK209980 600357

Wedderlie Tallant


11 Slawston Elize 23/03/2021 UK209980 600175

Sire Fordell Bishop Monkton

Dam Ribble Elize

11a Steer 15/08/2024 UK209980 700358

Sire Wedderlie Tallant


12 Slawston Essie 29/03/2021 UK209980 700183

Sire Aynho Proud Governer

Dam Ribble Essie

12a Slawston Essie 22/08/2024 UK209980 500363

Sire Wedderlie Tallant

If you are interested please contact Josh 07964 479475

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