The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is excited to be bringing genomic evaluations, the next level in cattle performance measuring to its members.
Over the next few months, the Society will be seeking presentations from potential providers to find the best solution for members.
As part of this project, the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association will be running a genomic evaluation with ICBF on Northern Irish male cattle born through 2021 and 2022 that have a profile on file. This should see these animals have star ratings alongside their Breedplan evaluation.
This trial will see us evaluate around 500 animals in the Northern Ireland herdbook.
In order to use the animal profiles, the Society needs the permission of breeders to use the profiles we hold for these animals.
To opt your herd in to this trial, please complete the form below
Admission to this trial will close at 5pm on Tuesday 25th October 2022