Are you aged between 8 and 24 and would like to know how the top stockmen and women produce major show champions or how they clip to get the best winter coats on the Stirling sale bulls? Maybe you’re just interested in preparing your cattle better for local shows or markets, or just need a hand in getting started. Either way, the Aberdeen-Angus Youth Development Programme is the perfect platform for you to learn about and experience the cattle breeding industry first-hand from our team of experts. Our workshops offer a chance to learn core skills from some of the top stockmen and women in the business. Not only is it educational, but the workshops also provide a great opportunity to mix with like-minded people. You don’t have to be an Aberdeen-Angus breeder, you just have to be ready for the challenge.
Any young person aged 8-24 years can attend and compete in the workshops. You can be from any breed of cattle, Young Farmers Club, school, university or college, or from any walk of life.
A ‘hands on’ opportunity for all young people to meet and learn from experienced cattle stockman on how to prepare cattle for shows or sales, and learn cattle handling techniques. Annually we invite along an industry specialist to enhance the experience for the attendees in animal husbandry, health and welfare.
During the day you will be observed by our trainers and assessed, so that you can establish where improvements can be made. These assessments will be considered from all workshops nationwide, and 12 candidates will be selected from each area and invited to compete in the YDP Final held in autumn. Any young person that attends a workshop can attend the final to take part in workshops and observe, alongside the selected finalists.
You will learn new skills, meet new friends, have fun and build confidence in your ability to handle cattle. It is an excellent opportunity to young people considering making agriculture their chosen profession or if you are looking to establish your own herd of cattle.
Yes you can; our Senior Conferences are held twice a year and are for our members aged 18-28. These are designed to introduce you to industry partners and help you develop your knowledge in agriculture, personal development and continue your networking and friendships. Ideas from members are invited for programme content.