On Sunday 5th May, there will be a Multibreed Youth Event taking place which is open to all from the Aberdeen-Angus, Charolais and Limousin Cattle Societies.
Kicking off at 5pm on the 5th May at Stirling Agricultural Centre by the kind permission of all at United Auctions. This is set to be a wonderful event for which a lot of planning has been put in, so it’d be great to see as many youngsters as possible in attendance, from juniors (aged 8-14), intermediates (aged 15-18) and seniors (aged 19-26).
The day will include multibreed stockjudging, presentation and Q&A on carcass EBVs by AHDB and demonstrations including showmanship and veterinary inspections.
If you would like to attend, please let Scottish YDP Co-ordinator Stephanie Dick know by emailing her on: ydpsteph@gmail.com