East of England Workshop Day Report: by Jess Musk

East of England Workshop Day Report: by Jess Musk


The first YDP workshop day of the year saw 14 participants in attendance at Overbury Hall Farm, Layham, Suffolk by kind permission of Mr and Mrs N. Reid and their stockman, Simon Long.  We were lucky enough to have 5 trainers help participants, from helping the novices to giving advice to the more experienced – with even the adults taking away some new tips and tricks!

YDP Co-ordinator Tina Russell gave a presentation on Linear Assessment followed by William Haire who taught the sStock judging element.  Dave Kinloch and Robert Clarke demonstrated the Clipping and Dressing workshop and Ring craft workshop, whilst Meg Atkins and Kevin Byford gave advice on how to handle and wash cattle safely.  This year our trainers have been asked to assess and score participants on our new score cards; the feedback from the trainers is both very positive and encouraging for the future of our YDP.  We were also pleased to welcome new participants to the programme who showed a huge amount of enthusiasm and potential.  Under the guidance of our super team of trainers their knowledge and skills are set to flourish and we hope to see them again at one of our YDP Events and perhaps practising their skills at the local shows or at Young Farmers Club.

There is still time to get booked onto one of our YDP workshop days so please get in touch or click here for more information about a workshop day near you!

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program
