Royal Highland Show: full summary of results

Royal Highland Show: full summary of results


Here is a full summary of all class results from the Royal Highland Show, including overall champions:

Class 208 – Female born on or after 1st April 2017

1st: (119) Stouphill Millie Princess T178 – Mr WD Allen

2nd: (123) Galcantray Betty T072 – Mr David Walker

3rd: (124) Kilmaluag Lady Ruth T207 – Mr Donald Rankin

4th: (125) Cairnton Elizabeth T426 – K&M Howie

5th: (121) Stouphill Lady Rose T196 – Mr WD Allen


Class 209: Female born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2017:

1st: (128) Retties Ruisseau T391 – Mr & Mrs R&C Rettie

2nd: (134) Ugie Barbie Princess T676 – Mr James T Wilson FRAgS

3rd: (137) Swordale Evergreen T224 – Messrs Watt

4th (127) Rulesmains Kerry T875 – Mr Andrew Hodge

5th (132) Kincardine Castle Esta T154 – Miss C Davidson and Mr G Thomson


Class 210: Female born on or between 24th June and 31st December 2016:

1st: (142) Crew Lady Jasmine S247 – Miss Stephanie Dick

2nd: (146) Kilmaluag Laura S199 – Mr Donald Rankin

3rd: (145) Donnie Black Beauty S107 – Mr Callum Dunlop


Class 211a: Female born on or between 1st January and 23rd June 2016:

1st: (154) Stouphill Patsy S152 – Mr WD Allen

2nd: (157) Blelack Lady Blackcap S746 – Mr Donald Rankin

3rd: (160) Kilmaluag Lady Isobelle S191 – Mr Donald Rankin

4th: (148) Taugh Blane Blackbird Special – Mr Iain Colville

5th (155) Rawburn Miss Essence S326 – Brailes Livestock


Class 212: Female born on or between 1st January and 31st December 2015

1st: (161) Kincardine Castle Pam R092 – AJR Farms

2nd: (163) Mosston Muir Estrelita – Mr Keith and Allan Rennie


Class 213: Female born on or before 31st December 2015

1st: (172) Duncanziemere Miss Belinda P092 – Mr Alistair Clark

2nd: (169) Drumdow Pure Pridella M925 – Messrs W and EI Brown

3rd: (167) Rulesmains Karen L239 – Mr Andrew Hodge

4th: (168) Tonley ELma M850 – Mr Harry Emslie

5th: (166) Dalcrest Joylady Erica L221 – Mr Colin Rodger


Class 214: Bull born on or after 1st April 2017

1st: (179) Linton Gilbertines Elgin T149 – Gordon Brooke Estate

2nd: (184) Linton Gilbertines Powerhouse T169 – Gordon Brooke Estate

3rd: (182) Cairnton Blackbeard T420 – K&M Howie

4th: (181) Tonley Empire – Neil Wattie

5th (176) Mosston Muir Edward – Mr Keith and Allan Rennie


Class 215: Bull born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2017

1st: (189) Rulesmains Egbert T872 – Mr Andrew Hodge

2nd: (191) Kilmaluag Eriskay T203 – Mr Donald Rankin

3rd: (194) Logie Dynamite T740 – AJR Farms

4th: (193) Logie Explosion T738 – AJR Farms

5th: (196) Tonley Alvarez T371 – Neil Wattie


Class 216: Bull born on or between 1st January and 31st December 2016

1st: (198) Balmachie Fearless – Messrs John Lascelles

2nd: (199) Cragg Lord Leviathan S132 – Gordon Brooke Estate

3rd: (197) HW Jermey Eric S114 – Mr David Walker

4th: (200) Glen Cowie Jack – Mr Iain Colville


Class 217: Bull born on or after 31st December 2015

1st: (201) Water End Payton N108 – Mr and Mrs R&C Rettie

2nd (204) Balmachie Rodger – Messrs John Lascelles

3rd: (203) Mosston Muir Excalibur P342 Mr Keith and Allan Rennie


Female Champion: (142) Crew Lady Jasmine S247 – Miss Stephanie Dick

Reserve: (128) Retties Ruisseau T391 – Mr & Mrs R&C Rettie

These two were also junior female champion and reserve.

Best cow: (172) Duncanziemere Miss Belinda P092 – Mr Alistair Clark


Male Champion: (201) Water End Payton N108 – Mr and Mrs R&C Rettie

Reserve: (204) Balmachie Rodger – Messrs John Lascelles

Junior Male Champion: (189) – Rulesmains Egbert T872 – Mr Andrew Hodge

Junior Reserve: (191) – Kilmaluag Eriskay T203 – Mr Donald Rankin


Overall Junior Champion: (142) Crew Lady Jasmine S247 – Miss Stephanie Dick

Reserve Junior Champion: (128) Retties Ruisseau T391 – Mr and Mrs R&C Rettie

Overall Breed Champion: (142) Crew Lady Jasmine S247 – Miss Stephanie Dick

Overall Resrve Champion: (201) Water End Payton N108 – Mr and Mrs R&C Rettie


Champion pairs: (191 and 160) Kilmaluag Eriskay T203 and Kilmaluag Lady Isobelle S191 – Mr Donald Rankin

Reserve pairs: (125 and 182) Cairnton Elizabeth T426 and Cairnton Blackbeard T420 – K&M Howie

Champion threes (191, 160 and 146) Kilmaluag Eriskay T203, Kilmaluag Lady Isobelle S191 and Kilmaluag Laura S199 – Mr Donald Rankin