The ‘Spectacular’ Show and Sale of Calves and Store Cattle – Aberdeen & Northern Marts

The ‘Spectacular’ Show and Sale of Calves and Store Cattle – Aberdeen & Northern Marts


At the end of last month, the Society supported ‘The Spectacular’ Show and Sale of Calves and Store Cattle that took place at Aberdeen & Northern Marts. The awards handed out on the day which are sponsored by the Society were as follows:

Perpetual Trophy

For the best animal sired by a registered Aberdeen-Angus bull:

W Robertson & Son, Fodderletter, Tomintoul with a 510kgs steer sired by Balaldie Strategy and realised £1,320

For the best steer & heifer sired by a registered Aberdeen-Angus bull:

W Robertson & Son, Fodderletter, Tomintoul with a 510kgs steer which sold for £1,320

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