A great couple of days at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair 2017

A great couple of days at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair 2017


We’ve had a fantastic couple of days in Wales for the 2017 Royal Welsh Winter Fair! This is the first time the Society has taken a stand to the event, and it has proved to be a great decision after the feedback and response that we’ve had, which is great to see. We took the decision to attend this year’s Fair as a result of positive feedback and conversations we’ve had, and this gave us a chance to build on these relationships and create new ones in the process, all of which were based on a very positive perception of our breed.

We’ve received a tremendous response over the course of the two days, having spoken to numerous breeders expressing strong interest in Aberdeen-Angus and a real desire to purchase bulls and females. We’ve even had two confirmed new members who have made purchases and are now looking to start breeding which is always great news for the breed. There were vast amounts of stock enquiries made, along with enquiries about store calf sales. We will also be looking at the potential for introducing a bull sale in Wales based on the interest we’ve experienced in the Area, so watch this space for more information on that.

We must thank all who were in attendance over the two days and all who helped out, your assistance is appreciated as always. Special thanks to Judith Denning, Oliver Edwards and John and Harriet James who lend a welcome hand, and to Oakchurch Aberdeen-Angus who had cattle on show at the stand for all visitors to see. The mulled wine and mince pies also went down very well in the icy cold conditions!

Society president Alex Sanger was present in Wales for the two days, and said:

‘’It was great to see such a tremendous response to the breed here in Wales, I can’t emphasise enough how positive the reaction has been. I’ve personally spoken to a number of breeders from a number of backgrounds who are now going to actively attend our Society Sales such as those at Stirling as a result of how they’ve seen a real positive progression in the breed which is wonderful to hear.’’

Thank you to all involved over the last couple of days, which have been a wonderful success with some great reaction from all visitors on stand and lots of positive discussions about the Aberdeen-Angus breed. 

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