Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society: News round-up

Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society: News round-up


We hope everyone is enjoying your news updates on the Society website and our weekly round-up. Here is this week’s round-up of what we have all been up to.

World Angus Forum 2017

  • This week Alex and Angela met with two of our key World Angus Forum sponsors Marks & Spencer and Scotbeef, the meeting was very positive with great ideas shared on this year’s big event.
  • The team have also been firming up plans with Mohsin Altajir of HWAngus and Willie McLaren of the Netherton herd on the big finale of the World Angus Forum taking place at Netherton Farm on the 2nd July. 
  • Registration for attending the Forum is filling up with delegates from all around the world including Australia, USA, Canada, Estonia, Germany, New Zealand, India and Colombia to name but a few. To make sure you don’t miss out, book your space today at: http://worldangusforum2017.com/

Calf registration

  • Calving season is now well underway and the Registration department is getting busy, please phone or email Caroline, Yvonne or Fiona in the office if you have any queries.
  • The Society’s computer systems are fully compatible with Farmplan, Farmdata and Sum-it cattle management programmes allowing you to keep yourself up-to-date with your own cattle history and registration. This allows breeders to process intimations and/or registrations at the same time as completing their BCMS registrations. Commenting on this process, Yvonne Buchanan said: “This has the potential to be a huge time saving exercise for breeders, avoiding duplicate registrations for yourself, BCMS and the Society.” Any member looking for support in carrying out this process can contact Yvonne for advice. Email: yvonne@aberdeen-angus.co.uk or Tel: 01738 448340.

Office news

  • Due to Easter holidays, a few of the office staff are off on annual leave next week having a well-deserved break. We will be running business as usual, but please be patient if it takes the team slightly longer to respond.   

Sale news

It’s been a really successful couple of weeks of store cattle sales across the country – read all about it here http://aberdeen-angus.co.uk/news/store-sale-round-up/

Other news

In other news this week:

Some dates for your diary

West Mercia AGM on Thursday 13th of April at 7pm, at Peartree Inn, Smite, Worcester

Worcester Spring Show and Sale 14th of April, Worcester Market.

Dungannon Sale 19th of April, Dungannon Farmers Mart

Stirling Spring Show and Sale 1st of May, Stirling Agricultural Centre

Have a lovely weekend and thank you for taking the time to keep up to date with the Society.

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