EGM proxy forms

EGM proxy forms


Further to the EGM notice mailed out in early January, the Society has been advised that proxy votes must be offered. As our articles do not contain provision for the content or delivery of a proxy form, our only option at this stage is to offer the proxy form as an online download. Therefore, please download the proxy form, fill it out and send back to the office by no later than noon on Thursday 2nd February. Forms can be returned via post, fax or email scans, provided they have been appropriately signed, dated and include the membership number.

Furthermore, following the recent mail out, the Society’s chief executive would like to take the opportunity to address the reasoning behind the requirement for a disciplinary committee.

“Some rumours have circulated that the creation of this committee is to deal with a current disciplinary issue, this is not the case. The proposal is purely about ensuring the Society’s governance is in order if a potential problem should arise. Other breed societies have found themselves in situations where they are not set up to deal with a serious scenario and it has caused them considerable problems and expense. Naturally, the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society wishes to avoid that situation by being prepared for any eventuality. 

“Equally, Article 15 of the Society’s Articles of Association is the only power which Council has on disciplinary matters with the only sanction being expulsion from the Society. Council believe this to be too strong and propose to establish a disciplinary committee which could recommend less harsh penalties for more minor misdemeanours.”

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