Entries invited for Munster herd competition

Entries invited for Munster herd competition


The Munster Aberdeen-Angus Club will hold its annual herd competition this coming September. The competition will be judged between the 8th and 10th of September with the prizes being presented on Sunday, September 11th, at the Club open day hosted by the Mogeely Aberdeen-Angus herd of Albert and Jennifer DeCogan, Killamuckey, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork. 

Entries are invited from Munster Aberdeen-Angus breeders in the following categories: Best small herd (9 or less calves registered in 2015), Best Medium herd (10 – 20 calves registered in 2015) and Best Large herd (21+ calves registered in 2015). There will also be prizes for Best Bull Calf, Best Heifer Calf, Best Cow Family and Best Stock Bull. This year, the Club is also presenting a new award for the best new entrant (open to any Aberdeen-Angus breeder in the Munster province who has not entered the herds competition before). 

The closing date for entries is strictly August 1st and all participating herds will be notified with a date and time for the judges visit in late August. To enter, please contact club secretary Edward Dudley on 0863559210 or email: castleloughangus@hotmail.com.