Friday update: 16th March 2018

Friday update: 16th March 2018


It’s been a busy and eventful week here at the society with the weather finally resuming back to somewhat normal. Here is your weekly roundup from this week!

Newark Sale

The CEO and numerous council members attended the Pedigree bull sale at Newark that proved to be challenging for various reasons with quite a few bulls ending up back at home. This was not just limited to the Aberdeen-Angus breed with other breeds experiencing the same difficulties.

The sale was not detrimental in any way to the breed and we must commend the people involved in rallying support from the members. Thanks also must go to Owen Tunney for his support on the inspection and judging of the classes on the Friday and Saturday. See full sale report by clicking this link –

Difficult trading was also seen at the bull sale at Hexham last Friday and although the Society did not sponsor it, thanks have again to go out to the Members, Council members and local clubs who did.

The general feedback from the sales is that the extended winter period and little sign of spring at this point left buyers in a cautious mood.

Meat Wholesaler Visit

The Chief Executive had an extremely interesting visit to a meat wholesaler with a number of topics covered and a greater understanding of the business and more importantly the end game, where the product that our members toil through the challenges to produce ends up.

The meeting has revealed some considerable opportunities for Angus breeders and finishers going forward and the continuing demand for Aberdeen Angus Sired cattle.  The Society looks forward to encouraging the supply of Aberdeen Angus in whatever way possible, whether a pedigree breeder selling pedigree bulls and heifers or the commercial producers producing quality Aberdeen Angus cross stock for the meat trade, there advantage to all having closer relations with the wholesale trade for beef.

Closer links through the society are a key part of taking us forward as we evolve our methods of breeding, production and brand marketing to future proof us against the ever changing marketplace that we face. Watch this space for lots more to come!

DNA Sire Verification

Developments have been made on the Sire verification scheme with some details having been already advertised via the review and also on the web. In the next few weeks members should receive information on how to take advantage of the better prices, services and free testing for eligible animals. The Society is charged with many responsibilities, in this instance the particular emphasis on the Breed and the Brand.

NBA Pedigree Breeders

CEO Barrie Turner attended the NBA Pedigree Breeders meeting at Stoneleigh on Thursday. This meeting presented an opportunity to meet and integrate with other Societies and see where the sector is heading, it also helped identify new initiatives and ideas that need to be considered. We look forward to sharing more information on this soon.

North East of Scotland AGM

The North East of Scotland Club AGM is to be held on Wednesday 21st March at Alford Transport Museum at 7.30pm. We look forward to bringing you any updates that emerge from this.

South East Breeders AGM

CEO Barrie Turner will be attending the 40th anniversary luncheon and AGM of the South East Breeders club on Sunday the 18th of March and is very much looking forward to meeting more of the membership and being part of the celebrations, we will bring you the latest news from this next week.

Stock for sale

We’ve posted a selection of stock for sale entries on the website this week. Don’t forget to get in touch with us if you have any stock for sale, and we can share it amongst the membership through the website. For more information and to see what stock is currently up for sale, visit:

In contrast, there has also been a number of members looking for stock to purchase this week. Please get in touch if you can assist, for more information please visit: 

World Steak Challenge 2018

The World Steak Challenge 2018 is approaching, providing a great opportunity to put your knowledge of the end product and faith in what you are producing to the test. This year the World Steak Challenge will take place at the Magic Roundabout, London on Wednesday 4th July 2018.

If you would like to find out more information about the competition and how to get involved please visit:

World steak challenge

Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association Appoints New President

The Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Mack Crowe, Broomstreet, Mohill, Co. Leitrim to the role of President, following on from the Association’s AGM which was held in the last week of February. We would like to wish Mack all the best in his new role as President at the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association.

To read the full article please visit:

Irish AA New President

With shows and sales starting up again we would ask any club secretaries or members to keep us posted of events in their area that may be of interest for sharing on the website. 

From all of us at the Society, we wish you a happy weekend!

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