Here are the full results from the 2017 North East of England Calf Show, judged by Andrew Shufflebotham of Cheerbrook Angus:
Bull born in 2016
1st Retties Mr Bates S371 Mr and Mrs Rettie
Heifer born in 2016
1st Yearsley Royal Lady S239 Mr and Mrs Johnson
2nd Tree Bridge Jena S632 Mr and Mrs Evans
3rd Cragg Lady Lilita S135 Miss J Swires
4th Tree Bridge Polly Perkins S626 Mr and Mrs Evans
Yearling champ: Yearsley Royal Lady S239
Reserve: Tree Bridge Jena S632
Bull born between 1.1.17 and 28.2.17
1st Oak Moor Wizard Ms G Guttery
2nd Yearsley Black Vogue T283 Mr and Mrs Johnson
3rd Yearsley Fire Music T275 Mr and Mrs Johnson
4th Retties Lovable Rogue T399 Mr and Mrs Rettie
Bull born on or after 1.3.17
1st Liley Gamble T255 Marsden Farms
2nd Tree Bridge Everest T642 Mr and Mrs Evans
3rd Yearsley Mighty Balloo T289 Mr and Mrs Johnson
Bull calf champion: Oak Moor Wizard T343
Reserve: Liley Gamble T255
Heifer born between 1.1.17 and 31.1.17
1st Liley Ellen Erica T250 Marsden Farms
2nd Retties Ruisseau T391 Mr and Mrs Rettie
3rd Retties Lady Rose T394 Mr and Mrs Rettie
4th Yearsley Ester Anne T271 Mr and Mrs Johnson
Heifer born on or after 1.2.17
1st Oak Moor Wella T342 Ms Guttery
2nd Blackrodian Evita T190 Master W Ashworth
3rd Tree Bridge Ethel T651 Mr and Mrs Evans
4th Calton Princess T304 Foster family
heifer calf champion: Liley Ellen Erica T250
Reserve: Retties Ruisseau T391
Overall calf: Liley Ellen Erica T250
Reserve: Retties Ruisseau T391
Ben Marsden then lifted the reserve interbreed championship behind the Charolais.