New ruling for Irish pedigree registrations and ICBF

New ruling for Irish pedigree registrations and ICBF


Members of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association will hopefully now have received a letter from the Society regarding ICBF and a new ruling for pedigree registrations. 
The majority of other breed societies in Ireland have already adopted this system and from a breeder’s perspective it reduces duplication and saves time which has to be welcomed.  
The Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association has agreed that from the 18 April 2016, pedigree certificates will only be issued as and when members register the birth of their pedigree calves with ICBF using either the Events Book or the ICBF On-Line facility. No registrations will be accepted in the office after that date. ICBF will then forward the relevant information to the office for your pedigree certificates to be issued. 
Enclosed in the letter is a separate animal record sheet to be completed and sent to the office in Mohill, as well as additional information on how to complete the Events Book or ICBF On-line registrations. 
Please check that you have received this information and if anyone hasn’t please contact Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association secretary Kathryn Bradshaw in the Association office in Mohill or Yvonne Buchanan in the Registrations Department in the Society’s office in Perth. 

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