Red Aberdeen-Angus for sale

Red Aberdeen-Angus for sale


Summary for sale at Auction 26.03.18 – Darlington Farmers Auction Mart

From Kevin Norman – herd of recently passed Mr.M.S.Girling, of

Pond House Farm, 17 The Edge, Woodlands, Co. Durham, DL13 5RF.


3 Red Aberdeen Angus bulls,

One born 2017 (tag 104706/600152)

One born 2016 (tag 104706/300149)

One born 2014 (tag 104706/300128)

1 Red Aberdeen Angus cow – in calf – born 2013 (Tag 104706 / 400122).

3 x Red Aberdeen Angus Heifers, born 2015 / 2016 (Tags 104706/200148 + 104706/300135 + 104706/100147)

7 x Red Aberdeen angus cows and calf pairs (All 7 cows are “in calf” again).

Dam 104706/600096 with bullock 104706/600159


Dam 104706/700139 with bullock 104706/200155


Dam 104706/500130 with heifer 104706/500158


Dam 104706/600131 with heifer 104706/400150


Dam 104706/700132 with heifer 104706/700153


Dam 104706/100098 with heifer 104706/100154


Dam 104706/400094 with heifer 104706/400157