Top price of 3180gns at Worcester

Top price of 3180gns at Worcester


A sale of Pedigree Aberdeen-Angus Cattle as part of the Traditional Breeds at Worcester recorded a top price of 3180gns for “Temple Jupiter Eric” a 20 month old son of Temple Northern Prince from Judith Denning, Temple Farm (Chedzoy) Ltd Somerset, having been Champion Male Calf Winter Agri Expo 2017 he was knocked down to C Thomas, Montgomery, Powys.

The main section of the sale was the Dispersal of the Blackacre herd for J F W Biggs, Pembrokeshire. Cows and Calves in his section peaked at 2750gns for Blackacre Beauty with heifer calf taken by R Coney, Narberth, Pembs. Blackacre Juliet Erica by Netherallan Peter Pershore with bull calf at foot levelled at 2300gns to M & EA Ford, Droitwich, Worcs. A split cow and calf for Blackacre Oakleaf and her bull calf Blackacre Onyx totalled 2470gns – the cow at 1450gns to T Ives & Sons, Buckingham and the bull calf at 1020gns to R Coney Pembs. The 6 year old stock bull Glympton To Bee enjoyed a close following and was finally secured by TA & R Laird and K Dunlop, Lanark for 2350gns.



15 Cows & Calves or in Calf £1754.90

2 Served Heifers £1396.50

4 Unserved Heifers £1128.75

1 Bull £2467.50



4 Cows & Calves £1916.25

3 Unserved Heifers £1057.00

1 Bull £2047.50



1 Bull £3339.00

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