Aberdeen-Angus Semen Wanted

Aberdeen-Angus Semen Wanted


Aberdeen-Angus Semen Wanted: Wanted Semen from old New Zealand derived sires used in the UK in the 80s and 90s, such as Fraser of Stern, Jovial of Hingaia and Waitapu Tremble, Quench of Turihaua or similar NZ bulls from this era. email: robert.brewster@hotmail.co.uk

Aberdeen-Angus Wanted for Export to Spain

Aberdeen-Angus Wanted for Export to Spain


Aberdeen-Angus Wanted for Export to Spain: A minimum of 40 Aberdeen-Angus cattle is wanted for export to Spain, between the age of 2 and 8 years old. Looking for Aberdeen-Angus to create a new livestock farm. Will also require transport for the livestock. Contact Roberto: robertoramascohueso@gmail.com or WhatsApp +34 628815689

Herd Books Wanted

Herd Books Wanted


Herd Books Wanted: A member is looking for the following herd books –  99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107-127 inclusive. If you have any of the above herd books for sale please contact Alison – enquiries@ballindallochcastle.co.uk

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6 Red Aberdeen-Angus Heifers Wanted for Northern Spain

6 Red Aberdeen-Angus Heifers Wanted for Northern Spain


6 Red Aberdeen-Angus Heifers Wanted for Northern Spain: We have had someone in touch wit the Society looking to buy 6 great looking red heifer calves of great genetics and a lovely temperament, as young as possible from 6 months up to 14 months old. Need to have all the relevant pedigree paperwork and export documentation. Would also need assistance …

Transport for 11 Heifers Required - Scotland to Spain

Transport for 11 Heifers Required – Scotland to Spain


Transport for 11 Heifers Required – Scotland to Spain: Transport for 11 heifers from the Scotland to West Spain is required, either added to an existing load or to make up a new load. If anyone can help or would to like to join up please contact javihcc@hotmail.com

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