Older Stock Bull Wanted

Older Stock Bull Wanted


I am looking for a stock bull, preferably an older bull who has done a few season work. It needs to be from at least a high health status herd or preferably Elite health status. I also have a group of 22 -24 month old bulls for sale so could possibly come to some sort of arrangement on a swap …

Farm Manager Required - Buckhurst Farm

Farm Manager Required – Buckhurst Farm


Farm Manager Required – Buckhurst Farm: Buckhurst Farm are looking for a farm manager experienced in… Pedigree cattle (breeding & showing) AI/Embryo work  Commercial sheep Day to day farm duties/maintenance Tractor & field work  The farm is situated in Bury, Lancs running over 150 acres with 70 head of Pedigree Aberdeen-Angus Cattle (30 Calvers) and winter store lambs.  Applicants can …

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