Great support for YDP in Northern Ireland

Great support for YDP in Northern Ireland


YDP always gets a tremendous amount of support in Northern Ireland and Alan Morrison has helped me for many years get things organised. This year Alan and his family offered to host the workshop and I hope it wasn’t too much pressure on him! We had great sunshine in The Republic of Ireland the previous day but the same couldn’t …

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program


Judges announced for YDP final in September

Judges announced for YDP final in September


Following another successful summer season of thought provoking and educational training at various workshops held across the UK and Ireland, the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is now in full flow planning the National Final for the Youth Development Programme. Rotated around the UK and Ireland, this year’s final will be hosted in Godalming, Surrey, at the home of Angus Stovold’s Rosemead …

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program


Munster area workshop, Republic of Ireland

Munster area workshop, Republic of Ireland


When it comes to the Republic of Ireland you can only organise so much and the rest just sort of happens!? The Munster Club Members under the leadership of Secretary Edward Dudley, work hard to get participants there and as always there is a big mix of those that do a lot with cattle and want to get through to …

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program


Cornwall YDP workshop

Cornwall YDP workshop


Getting up early on a Sunday morning is bad enough without driving through torrential rain so bad that cars were pulling over and thunder and lightning that was shaking the truck! I was waiting for the phone to start ringing with participants dropping out left right and centre but luckily for me the Cornish lot are a hardy bunch and …

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program


English/Welsh Borders Melview Workshop

English/Welsh Borders Melview Workshop


The Melview workshop usually signals the start of a heatwave and a very good time to cut hay! This year was no exception – we had lovely sunshine with just enough breeze to make it pleasant working conditions and enough keen participants to make it a great day. This is the third year we have kindly been invited to Paul …

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program
