Fiddlehall YDP Workshop – Saturday 13th July

Fiddlehall YDP Workshop – Saturday 13th July


YDP Workshop with the Fiddlehall Herd in Cupar on the 13th July.

Report by Stephanie Dick


Today we hosted the last Scottish workshop by kind permission of Keith Rennie at Fiddlehall Aberdeen Angus in Cupar. Thank you so much to Keith for having us and to Kim Brown for not only all the work she put in to setting up for us and getting the cattle to be super quiet and great for the kids, but also for training. A huge thank you to our other trainers James Morrison and Ewan Mcrobert for also helping out today it really is greatly appreciated.

It was a great day with a really enthusiastic bunch of participants and absolutely fabulous hospitality.

Thank you to everyone involved in our workshops this year and finalist emails will be getting sent out this week!

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program
