Pedigree Aberdeen-Angus Bulls for sale – West Suffolk

Pedigree Aberdeen-Angus Bulls for sale – West Suffolk


🌟 FOR SALE- Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Bulls 🌟

⭐ 4x 20-22 month olds
⭐ Not been pushed-nor creep fed
⭐ High Health(SAC)Johnes Level 1, BVD Accredited
⭐ Myostatin Free
⭐ Can be semen +/ blood tested
⭐ Can be caught on halter at the feed trough (no head yokes)
⭐ TB4 (last tested March 2024)

Jess Musk, Park Wall Aberdeen Angus
πŸ“ Tuddenham st Mary, West Suffolk
πŸ“žΒ  01638 724831Β  07748850465

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