Bi-Weekly Update: 5th October 2018

Bi-Weekly Update: 5th October 2018


Last weekend saw Team Europe bring home the Ryder Cup as they defeated the Americans 17 ½ – 10 ½ points at Le Golf National in France! On the same weekend, we celebrated great success of our own as the YDP final took place where we crowned 3 winners, April Forbes (Junior winner), Ellie Westaway (Intermediate winner) and Meg Atkins (Senior winner) – congratulations to all involved! You can find below all the latest news from in and around the Society over the last 14 days!

101st Aberdeen-Angus Review

We are busy pulling together content and information for the 101st edition of the Aberdeen-Angus review. Make sure not to miss out in placing your advert in the review this year, once booking forms are received they should be returned at your earliest convenience to Michael at Denvir Marketing, he can be contacted through email at A link to the booking form can be shown below, make sure not to miss out!

Review social Post

2018 YDP Final

The Youth Development Programme Final took place this year on the 29th of September at Shrewsbury Auction Market, where we received an exceptional welcome and great service. The finalists all competed against each other across a number of different sections, as well as having an informative and fun morning.  Activities included as diverse a range as a scanning demonstration, feeding cattle workshop, valuations and entertaining sausage making.  The participants were full of chat about their morning which was followed by the more serious competitive afternoon.  All took part in great spirit and learned from the judges.  The overall winners were April Forbes (Junior Winner), Ellie Westaway (Intermediate winner), Meg Atkins (Senior winner). The event was a huge success yet again with praise from the parents and judges on the weekend and our overall Youth Program.  It was great to see such high standards across the board, and so many talented and intelligent youngsters!

If you would like to find out the full results from the event and find out more about the final then click on the link below:


In the coming weeks, we will be catching up individually with the winners and judges to get their reactions from the final and hear a bit about their own backgrounds and ambitions, so keep your eyes peeled and ears open for latest off the ever-impressive YDP training program.

Ribble Herd Dispersal

The dispersal sale of the entire Ribble pedigree Aberdeen-Angus herd from Henry Rowntree, of Rowntree Farms, Gisburn, was deemed a runaway success by all concerned when staged at Skipton Auction Mart a couple of weekends ago. The sale saw 390 head sell to joint highs of 7,500gns in what was a very well-attended day. If you missed the full report from the dispersal sale, you can view it again at:

Moncur Herd Dispersal

In a couple of weeks’ time there is again the opportunity to buy some of the best genetics about from the very prominent Moncur Aberdeen-Angus herd. The Moncur herd dispersal takes place at the Stirling Bull Sales on the 22nd of October. The Moncur Aberdeen-Angus herd has grown to be one of the most respected herds in the country, make sure not to miss out and head along to the bull sales.

The online catalogue is now available on the United Auctions website on the link below:

Schivas Herd Dispersal

The Stirling Bull Sales will also hold the dispersal of the well known Schivas herd. There will be 100 adult cattle and 70 calves up for sale as a result of change in farm policy which has led to the dispersal. The dispersal is scheduled for 1pm on the Monday of the bull sales at Stirling Agricultural Centre, so make sure to head along and see what is on offer from the successful Aberdeenshire-based herd.

You can view the full programme of events on the link below:

The Field Report

We are conscious of improving communication with members and have throughout the year added in publications, emails and more social media, all working towards getting the word out about our breed.  The latest newsletter or ‘Field Report’ should be with you very soon – so keep an eye out in the post! The newsletter includes updates from the CEO Barrie, Council Meeting, Ruth Perry, DNA and more interesting pieces. 

National Ploughing Championships

In spite of the presence of a certain Storm Ali, the National Ploughing Championships for 2018 went ahead with a couple of slight changes to the schedule. All staff worked tirelessly to make sure the event was a success in the difficult circumstances, helped along the way by their own enthusiasm and good humour! Read more about the event at:

Future Leaders Course

The Future Leaders course will start on the 9th and 10th of October and also run on the 13th and 14th of November providing participants the amazing opportunity unlock their potential, develop their professional skills and improve performance through coaching from industry experts and experienced leaders. The specialist tutors who will deliver modules on Leadership, Business Strategy and Management, Marketing and Social Media Management come from a range of backgrounds across the industry and are sure to give the participants a great opportunity to think out the box and learn from the best.  Updates from the participants and speakers plus some coverage from the events themselves and plenty of follow up information will be coming your way.

YDP Workshop – Lois Taylor

We hear from 12 year old Lois Taylor as she attended the YDP workshop held at Gammage Hall Farm in Dymock, Gloucestershire. The workshop was kindly hosted by Paul Westaway, the owner of the Aberdeen-Angus Melview herd. Read about Lois’ background and her account from the workshop on the link below:

Northern Ireland Club herd competition

This last week saw the herd competition of the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club take place for the year 2018, where the best large herd prize went to the Richhill Herd of Robin Lamb. Judge Matthew Goulding described the standard in all categories as very high, with everyone being deserving of a prize. You can access the full results over on the website at:

Connaught/Leinster Herd competition

The Connaught/Leinster Aberdeen-Angus Club held its third annual herds competition recently, a competition which has grown steadily over its last three outings, offering additional prizes this time round as well as attracting a larger pool of entrants than in previous years. John McEnroe of the Liss Herd continued his winning streak in the large herd section at this year’s event. To get a look at some photography from the event and the full list of results, read the report on the website at:

Bi-Weekly Update Email

Some of you might have noticed that you haven’t been receiving a link to the bi-weekly update by email on the last couple of occasions. This is just down to some work we’re doing behind the scenes to make sure that the updates are sent to all of those who like to read them, and we will be looking at a solution for this in the coming weeks.

Stock for sale

We continue to share some great opportunities for stock for sale on the website. Please feel free to browse this section of the site regularly as it is being updated throughout the week and be sure to get in touch with any stock you might have for sale that you’d like promoted through this platform. Get in touch by phoning the office or emailing Laura in the office at The stock for sale section on the website is available at:


Some key upcoming events in the calendar are as follows:

Shows and Sales:

5th of October: Carlisle Show and Sales

21st-23rd of October: Stirling Show and Sales

22nd of October: Schivas herd dispersal

22nd of October: Moncur herd dispersal

Future Leaders Course:

9-10th of October: Futures Leaders Course


COLD? As we now move in to Autumn and the temperatures plummet, wrap up this Autumn with one of our lovely Aberdeen-Angus Tartan Wool Scarfs for only £25! You can purchase one or two or even more by phoning the office directly, speak to Yvonne who can deal with and dispatch your orders for all our merchandise where you can pay over the phone by card or simply add it to your next invoice. Full range of merchandise available to view online at:

Wool Scarf

From all at the Society, have a great weekend!