Friday update: 18th August 2017

Friday update: 18th August 2017


The Society has had yet another great week of news and activity. Our Scottish summer hasn’t prevented any of our members from being as busy as ever rain or shine! Here is your weekly round up in case you missed any of the exciting action:

World Angus Forum:

We caught up with Marie Timperley from this year’s winning youth team from the World Angus Forum. The team, New Zealand Toa, were well deserving winners of a great competition and it is safe to say that all teams showcased exceptional standards.

It was great to gain more insight in to the members of the winning team, hear about the reaction to winning the event and learn about life since the competition.

Check out the full news story at

We also recently got hold of a few cracking photographs from the youth team day at RM Condor for the Coul Angus Challenge. The team had a great day and here are just a few photographs that sum up the day!

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“Hands up which team got lost?!”

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The sponsor of the Coul Angus Challenge

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Marie taking part in the “ready, steady, cook!”

We want to say a huge thank you to James Arnott of Coul Angus who sponsored the day at RM Condor. The Coul Angus Challenge was definitely one of the highlights for all who took part and we cannot thank James enough for organising such a great day. We can speak on behalf of all the youth participants on the day and throughout the Forum when we extended our greatest gratitude to James for all that he did and still does!

Youth Development Programme:

Mosston Muir farm recently hosted the Central Scotland YDP workshop on Saturday the 12th of August. We got a great account of the day from Fraser Dandie, who was attending the YDP workshop for the first time.

We managed to capture some great pictures of the day:


Fraser wearing number 56, trying his hand at some clipping!


The full group, pictured with the trainers and Society President, Alex Sanger.


Read Frasers full write up here

We look forward to bringing you reports from the workshop that took place at Cornwall on the 5th August, Clarence House Farm on the 13th of August along with the Summer’s final workshop which will take place at Gamage Hall Farm in Dymock on the 20th August.

We’d also like to remind everyone again that part of the criteria to qualify as a senior finalist for the 2017 competition is the completion of the City and Guilds Award. This needs to be completed by the 1st of September at the very latest. The score sheets are currently getting worked on and will be with all the participants that requested them soon.

Show News:

We have received the results from both the Tullamore and Tarland shows that took place recently. The Overall Senior Champion went to Cheeklaw Jake Eric R535 of Albert & Jennifer DeCogan at the Tullamore show, and the Overall Reserve Senior Champion was also awarded to Albert & Jennifer DeCogan, this time with Mogeely Miylo P291.

At the Tarland show we saw the Aberdeen-Angus Champion go to Newton Muchalls Novak of Ray Gardiner & Craig Smart and the Reserve Champion on the day was awarded to Cardenwell Blossom of Graham Willox.

Although we are (technically!) still in summer, the Winter National Show will creep up on us in no time. The entry forms and classes for the Winter National Show are now on our website and available for download. You can find these under the Breeders Resources tab on the homepage.

We hope you have a great weekend and can’t wait to hear what you have all been getting up to next week! 

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