Friday update: 21st July 2017

Friday update: 21st July 2017


In the past week or so we’ve been doing a lot of planning and organising for the coming months, with a view to continuing to drive our Society in a forward direction with the best interests of you, the members, at the forefront. Here’s your weekly update of everything that’s been going on in the Society for the last week:

Member surveys:

Earlier this week, we emailed all members with a link to an electronic survey which is being used to gauge member opinions on the priorities for the Society, to help us towards making a decision on appointing a new Chief Executive. We’ve had a brilliant response rate to the survey so far, but would like to encourage anyone still to fill in the survey to do so via the link in the email which was sent by Sunday 23rd July when the survey will close. This is your Society, so we would like to consider your opinions to help shape any decision we make on this and on other important matters moving forward, so your co-operation and thoughts are highly appreciated.

Youth Development:

We told you of some dates for the diary for the fantastic youth development programme workshops that will be taking place across the water in Ireland at the end of July on the 28th and 29th. We’d encourage any youngsters interested to head along to what are great events from both an educational and social point of view. For more information, visit:

Proceeding the Irish YDP workshops, there will be two taking place in Cornwall and Selkirk respectively on the 5th and 6th August. If you or anyone you know has an interest in attending, don’t hesitate to get in touch with YDP co-ordinator Gayle Bersey on You can find out more about what to expect from the workshops on our website at

On another note, as a lot of you will be aware, we’ve been working closely with Denvir Marketing on all things marketing-related with the Society. Robert from Denvir Marketing is going to be attending one of our YDP workshops in the next few weeks to get stuck in and learn a bit more about the preparation of cattle for shows and sales – we look forward to bringing you a detailed piece on Robert’s experience in the coming weeks!

Show News:

The Royal Welsh Show kicks off on Monday 24th July and runs until 27th July, and we’re looking forward to what is always one of the landmark events on the agricultural calendar. We look forward to bringing you a full report on the Show next week, but in the meantime we’re looking back at last year’s event. The Aberdeen-Angus champion in 2016 was Glympton Glespin K470, pictured below at the show.

3118 Glympton Glespin K470 9852aa

Next weekend will also see a continuation of the show season with the Banchory Show and the Turriff Show. If you have a local show that you would like to highlight please contact us and we can post it on the Friday round up.

Other Society news:

As mentioned, we’ve been doing a lot of planning for the coming months and how we can help drive our Society forward. As part of that, we’re going to be setting up a new Society email address that will be dedicated specifically to the members. This will be for members to get in touch with us with regard to any matters that needed addressing at Council or Management level. We’ll be implementing this over the next week or so, and will be sure to give you an update when it is put in place about how to go about contacting us.

Have a great weekend, and if you’re attending the Royal Welsh Show, we hope to see you there for a chat and a coffee.

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