PENWAC open day hosts praised in Club herd competition

PENWAC open day hosts praised in Club herd competition


An enthusiastic group of Aberdeen-Angus breeders were pleased to hear of the rise of finished cattle prices to more than 400p/kg deadweight at the visit to the Ribble herd, Gisburn, Lancashire.  The event was hosted by Henry and Mo Rowntree who entertained their guests with lunch and a herd walk. 



Johnny Mackey, the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society chief executive, was on hand to award the prizes for the bi-annual P.E.N.W.A.C. herd competition with the coveted John Moores trophy awarded to the best overall herd going to the Ribble herd. This trophy was presented in memory of John Moores of The Moss herd. A leading breeder, he contributed so much towards the success of the modern Aberdeen-Angus. 

The judge for the herd competition was Neil Wattie of the Tonley herd, Alford, Aberdeenshire, who commented ‘what a fantastic show of cattle. I was looking at the quality of cows, calves, yearling heifers and young bulls. I was very impressed with the three large herds as they all had very good even cows and should be very proud of the herds they have built up.  However, Ribble came out on top due to the strength of their yearling bulls and heifers.’ 

Adrian Johnson of the Yearsley herd, Brandsby, York, was master judge for the stock judging competition on the day and particularly noted the strength of the heifer class. Many thanks to the judges and all those who helped to make this such a successful occasion. 

Small Herd

1 Buckhurst herd – John Walsh and family.  

2 Cheerbrook herd – Andrew  Shuflebotham

3 Tegnose herd – Nigel & Sally Hammil.

Medium Herd  

1 Millstones herd Stephan and Pat Edwards

2 Hurries herd  Wendy Hoare and David Wellock

3 Stoneylane herd Richard Ashworth and Family.

Large Herd

1 Ribble herd Henry and Mo Rowntree

2 Pilsbury herd Richard Jackson

3 Eddisbury herd Katie Waterworth.

Overall Winner  Henry and Mo Rowntree The Ribble herd

Heifer under two Andrew Shufflbothams   Cheerbrook Erilla R063

Bull under two  Andrew Shufflebothams  Cheerbrook Extra Power R066

Stock Bull   Richard Jacksons Yearsley Royal Lupo

Cow and Calf  John Walshes  Rawburn Ebony N666+calf

Group by one sire   Wendy and David Wellocks cows by The Moss Mr Essen

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