Summer placement opportunity request

Summer placement opportunity request


Are you looking for additional support this summer? If you’re happy to give a young person an opportunity to learn and experience something new we have had a request from Hana Linssen, a student from New Zealand looking to come to the UK and learn from you.

A bit about Hana:

I am 20 years old and am from New Zealand. I am currently studying a degree in agricultural science at Lincoln University in New Zealand, this is my first year. I plan to study my 3rd semester at Umea university in Sweden in 2019/20. This doesn’t start till August, and my Semester in New Zealand finishes at the end of June. So, I have a couple of months off in between, so in that time I would like to experience a different style of farming compared to New Zealand, plus am passionate about the Aberdeen-Angus breed.  

I already know a little bit about Aberdeen-Angus breeding as I have worked on Angus studs both in New Zealand and Australia.

If you would like to speak to Hana directly and discuss the opportunity please contact her on

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