Taking the championship honours at Ballymena Show on Saturday under judge Robin Lamb from the Richill herd was Alwyn Armour’s May 2014-born heifer Woodvale Nelmerica P714. Sired by Woodvale Lord Jaguar M445 she is out of the Woodvale Kool Papa K062 sired dam Woodvale Nelmerica M471.
Standing reserve was Alfred Clyde’s Macknagh Mills Evora M134, she is a 2012-born Blelack Evermore J231 daughter. Bred by Michael Laggan she is out of Baronagh Email F817, a Baronagh Euro A043 daughter.
Class results:
Bull, before 1st January 2014
1st, Michael Lagan’s, Blelack Evermore
2nd, Michael Lagan, Drumdow Primera
Bull, born on or after 1st January 2014, but on or after 31st August 2014
1st, Alwyn Armour’s Woodvale Mr Atlantic
2nd, Adrian and Graeme Parke’s Coolermoney Patriot
Cow or Heifer, in calf or in Milk
1st, Alfred Clyde’s Macknagh Mills Evora
Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2014, but on or after 31st August 2014
1st, Alwyn Armour’s Woodvale Nelmerica
2nd, Adrian and Graeme Parke’s Coolermoney Roxi
Open Pair of animals bonefide the property of one exhibitor and entered in the above classes for which they are eligible
1st, Michael Lagan
2nd, Adrian and Graeme Parke