Bill Sclater 1927-2024

Bill Sclater 1927-2024


Members will be saddened to learn of the death at the age of 97 of retired Aberdeen-Angus breeder, Bill Sclater, who during his long association with the breed, acted for a time as a fieldsman for the Society and was a mentor to many. Bill died in Turner Hospital, Keith, on May 10.

As a founder member and past honorary president of the North East Aberdeen-Angus Club and a former member of the Council, of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, the breed played a big part in his life and he was a much-loved and respected figure in the breed. Bill moved from his native Orkney to the North-East almost 63 years ago, initially moving to a farm between Fyvie, before moving to Grange, near Keith. His son, Hamish, with wife Margaret, continue to breed Aberdeen-Angus at Denhead, Dunlugas, near Turriff.

Bill died very peacefully with his beloved family by his side. The funeral will be held on Wednesday 22nd of May at 2pm in St. Rufus Church, Keith. All who wish to attend will be made very welcome.

“We send our sincere condolences to Hamish and Margaret at this time and our thoughts are inspired when we think of Bill’s dedication to the Aberdeen-Angus cattle and North East Aberdeen-Angus Club,” said club secretary Bruce MacAngus.

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