Stirling Bull Sales February 2023

Stirling Bull Sales February 2023


Stirling Bull Sales February 2023 Aberdeen-Angus met a buoyant trade at the February 2023 Stirling Bull Sales held at United Auctions’ Stirling market.  Of the 111 forward, 77% found new homes, compared with 74% at the same sale last year.  The 86 bulls averaged £6727 (6406 gns), and 2 females forward averaged £4148 (3950 gns). Neil and Mark Wattie had …

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Stirling Bull Sales Judging Livestream

Stirling Bull Sales Judging Livestream


Stirling February Aberdeen-Angus Bull Sales

Once again, the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is working with Robert Smith Livestream to bring the judging at Stirling Bulls Sales to you at home, in the tractor or in the bull shed! Jump on to the below link from 9am on Sunday the 5th to catch all of the latest action as judge Graeme Massie of the recently dispersed Blelack …

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