North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club AGM

North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club AGM


The North East Scotland Aberdeen-Angus Club will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 18th March at The Collection Centre, Alford Transport Museum, Montgarrie Road, Alford, AB33 8AE preceded by an open meeting commencing at 7.30pm.

There will be a report from Council on Society activities. Our speaker for the evening is Eoin Cumming who works for AJR Farms, Ellon. In 2017 he won the senior section of the Youth Development Final and set off on his travels in Australia, New Zealand and Oklahoma. This will be followed with refreshments.

Please click on the link below to view the AGM invite & AGM agenda.


If you require anymore information please contact the club secretary – Claire Johnstone – 07766409316


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